Workplace safety holds critical importance in the construction industry. Regulations and documentation are not just formalities to appease authorities but are meant to protect human lives. A safety specialist may need a series of documents to effectively establish and monitor safe working conditions. Below, we present 5 essential documents that form a crucial part of safety documentation.
Components of Workplace Safety Documentation
The documentation related to workplace safety can vary slightly between companies; however, the following 5 materials must be included in the “folder” of those involved in the construction industry.
1. Safety and Health Protection Plan (SHPP)
The Safety and Health Protection Plan outlines the health and safety requirements for the work processes to be carried out, typically within the framework of a construction project for a particular company. Essentially, it is a list of measures designed to address the risks associated with the activities listed in the documentation.
2. Risk Assessment
Risk assessment identifies, categorizes, and evaluates all factors that pose a safety threat to employees. It examines the likelihood of risk factors occurring and their effects, makes recommendations for their avoidance, and develops risk-reducing measures.
3. Personal Protective Equipment Policy
Since almost every aspect of construction work involves some kind of safety risk, personal protective equipment must be provided to all employees. The allocation and proper use of these items must be regulated in a policy prepared by the safety specialist in consultation with the occupational health physician.
4. Safety Documentation
Safety documentation must be prepared for the machinery and scaffolding used in the construction industry. This includes, for example, electrical safety for machinery or scaffolding certifications.
5. Fire and Safety Training – Records
An essential requirement for safe work is knowledge of the fire and workplace safety regulations. Training on these rules is provided to employees by a specialist, and a record of the training is kept. The training record must be signed by every employee.
Beyond the above-mentioned documents, your company may require several other regulations, depending on the field in which it operates.
Feel free to contact our experts so we can prepare workplace safety documentation tailored to your business!